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Achievements in Finnish-Russian research cooperation in the framework of Friendship Nature Reserve.
Raimo Heikkila & Tapio Lindholm.
Finnish Environment Institute
(6.63 Mb, total downloads: 488)
East in Finland. Options to delineate and develop the Green Belt of Fennoscandia in Finland.
Timo J. Hokkanen & Teemu Makkonen (2.96 Mb, total downloads: 277)
Danilov (2.22 Mb, total downloads: 334)
Preservation of a little disturbed old-age forests and a biodiversity in the territory of the Arkhangelsk region in Russia - the important task of the international cooperation.
V. Yefimov.
Institute of Ecological Problems in the North of UB RAS, Arkhangelsk, Russia (3.57 Mb, total downloads: 291)
N.M. Alekseeva, R.A. Savitov (1.77 Mb, total downloads: 298)
N.N. Bigun, S.V. Tarhov (1.25 Mb, total downloads: 692)
Green Belt of Fennoscandia as a potential WH Site.
Alexey Butorin.
Natural Heritage Protection Fund. Institute of Geography of the RAS (7.2 Mb, total downloads: 352)
I.N. Demidov, A.D. Lukashov, T.S. Shelehova (1.41 Mb, total downloads: 1021)
M.A. Fadeeva (2.66 Mb, total downloads: 423)
A.N. Gromtsev, P.Yu. Litinsky (2.76 Mb, total downloads: 399)
O.V. Ilina, A.V. Markovsky (4.07 Mb, total downloads: 276)
Finnish Protected Areas as an integral part of Green Belt of Fennoscandia.
Kari Lahti.
Metsähallitus, Natural Heritage Services, Finland (1.31 Mb, total downloads: 296)
E.E. Kotkin, V.V. Gromov (3.79 Mb, total downloads: 564)
D.N. Kovalev (5.79 Mb, total downloads: 537)
A.V. Kravchenko, O.L. Kuznetsov (1.13 Mb, total downloads: 269)
Green Belt of Fennoscandia: background and perspectives for development.
A. Kryshen', A. Titov, E. Ieshko (1.53 Mb, total downloads: 286)
OOPT.pdf (161 Kb, total downloads: 269)
Kurhinen (1.61 Mb, total downloads: 249)
O.L. Kuznetsov, P.N. Tokarev (3.81 Mb, total downloads: 279)
GBF as an example of the Nature conservation networks between Republic of Karelia and Finland.
Eugene Lopatin, Taneli Kolström (University of Joensuu),
Timo J. Hokkanen (North Karelia Regional Environment Centre),
Alexandr Kryshen, Andrei Gromtsev (Karelian Research Center, RAS) (2.88 Mb, total downloads: 381)
Park_Karelia.pdf (5.03 Mb, total downloads: 224)
Entomological studies in GBF.
A.Polevoi, A.Humala.
Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS (1.06 Mb, total downloads: 229)
Analysis of development directions NP "Kalevalskiy".
S.A. Pozdnyakov, A.V. Korosov (1.03 Mb, total downloads: 279)
Razrabotka_perspektivnoj_sistemy.pdf (5.05 Mb, total downloads: 228)
A.Tomilin, I.Lebed' (4.23 Mb, total downloads: 446)
Vuokkiniemi (Voknavolok) and Kalevala national park. Unique nature, local culture and livelihood (3.23 Mb, total downloads: 973)
New technologies and options for future research at the Green Belt of Fennoscandia
Taneli Kolstrom, Eugene Lopatin, (University of Joensuu, MekrijarviResearchStation)
Timo J. Hokkanen (North Karelia BiosphereReserve) (8.49 Mb, total downloads: 979)
V.V. Sokolov (109 Kb, total downloads: 579)