Forest Research Institute of the Karelian Research Centre RAS
RAS Department of Biological Sciences
RAS Scientific Council on Forest
Ministry of Nature Use and Environment of the Republic of Karelia
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
RAS Department of Biological Sciences
RAS Scientific Council on Forest
Ministry of Nature Use and Environment of the Republic of Karelia
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
pan-Russian scientific conference with international involvement, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Forest Research Institute of the Karelian Research Centre RAS
September 11-17, 2017
September 11-17, 2017
Dear colleagues,
you are invited to take part in the pan-Russian scientific conference with international involvement "Boreal forests: current state, dynamics, ecosystem services" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS, which will take place in Petrozavodsk on September 11–17, 2017.
The conference agenda will include scientific debate on "Intensive forestry – environment and economy".
On the same dates the Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS will be holding the 7th pan-Russian conference with international involvement "Theoretical and practical aspects of forest soil science".
The mission of the conference “Boreal forests: current state, dynamics, ecosystem services” is to enable the exchange of opinions on the key problems of forest science related to promotion of intensive forestry in boreal forests and generation of recommendations on topical areas of sylvicultural research.
Registration for the Conference:
To apply for participation please register as “author” on the website before April 20, 2017.