Government of Karelia
Karelian Research Center RAS
Institute of Economics KarRC RAS
Karelian State Pedagogical University
Karelian Department of Russian Geographical Society
Karelian Research Center RAS
Institute of Economics KarRC RAS
Karelian State Pedagogical University
Karelian Department of Russian Geographical Society

Karelia, Petrozavodsk
October 14-16, 2002
October 14-16, 2002
Call for paper (MS Word)
Goal of the conference
Institutions and funds, supporting the conference
Participants fee
Contact information
Life of many famous scientists are connected to Karelia/ One of them is Konstantin Ivanovitch Arseniev (1789-1865).
His extensive scientific activities and historical link to Petrozavodsk gave us a right to establish scientific-practical readings in honor of Arseniev.
First Arseniev readings were held in Petrozavodsk in 1995, second - in 2000.
Goal of the conference
Involving various Russian and foreign scientists, representatives of legislative and executive authorities, of civil institutions in economy, sociology, economical geography, statistics into an active discussion about leading factors and priorities of a complex development of the North-Western Region, Karelian Republic. A wide sector of problems will be discussed on the conference, concerning the development of human potential, formation of economical status of a person in the market conditions.
Using the results of the reports, discussions, and sections work the proposal projects will be formed on the most urgent problems of the regional socio-economical development, that will be sent to the representatives of the local authorities and scientists. Thesis of the reports will be published according to the results of the conference.
Section 1.
Problems of Regional Economics: Backup and Present
Head of the section: A.I. Shishkin (Institute of economics KRC RAS, director).
The problems of the regional economics are discussed in this section as well as the strategic planning of the regional socio-economical development, efficiency of state regulation of socio-economical processes on the regional and city level, methodical problems of the perspective plans of the regional development. Methodological problems of the socio-economical development monitoring are examined.
Section 2.
Social Regional Problems
Head of the section: T.V. Morozova (Institute of economics KRC RAS, head of the socio-politology department).
Main object of the section is the discussion of the social regional development problems and factors. The conditions, forms and the nature of the current social transformation are examined along with the institutional and economical problems of the social regional development.
Section 3.
Personality Development: Spirit, Education, Culture
Head of the section: A.S. Litvin (chief lecturer of the natural-geographical department, Karelian State Pedagogical University)
Section considers problems of the personal development as a highest value of the social reproduction. Human, personality is a key strategic resource in overcoming the progressive cultural-ecological crisis.
Institutions and funds, supporting the conference:
Participants fee
The participants fee for the foreign participants is $50., covering the costs for printed materials of the conference, organization of the social program and other organizational costs.
If you are interested in the theme of the conference and if you would like to take part in it, organizers requests for your letter with the theme of your report and a shot abstract (200 words) to be sent to the Institute of economics KRC RAS. The deadline is July 1, 2002
The requested information and the address:
185610, Petrozavodsk, Pushkinskaya, 3,
Institute of economics KarRC RAS
Shmuilo Tatiana.
Tel.: (814-2) 78 13 00
Fax: (814-2) 78 43 10
1. Name.
2. Institution.
3. Position.
4. Mail address.
5. E-mail.
6. I would like to present the report on the topic:
(topic and the title)