Sortavala, Karelia, Russia
Second circular
Jointly organized by:
Programme outline
Sunday June 16
16.00 Registration at the Hotel Galiot
19.00 Ice-breaking party
Monday June 17
10.00-13.00 Official opening with keynote speakers
13.00-14.30 Lunch
14.30-18.30 Session A: Dynamics and population management of game animal populations in taiga forests.
Excursion Sightseeing in Sortavala (2 h walking-tour)
Tuesday June 18
9.00-13.00 Session B: Threatened species in Northern Europe; Ladoga and Saimaa seals: population status and conservation
13.00-14.30 Lunch
14.30-17.30 Session C: Acclimatization and re-acclimatization. Conservation of native species.
18.00 Excursion to Ladoga Skerries
Wednesday June 19
8.00-11.30 Discussion groups: "Large predators and ungulates", "Grouse", "Freshwater seals", "Canadian and European beavers".
Poster session
11.30-12.30 Final discussion and Closing of the Symposium
12.30-14.00 Lunch
14.30-17.30 Excursion to Ruskeala quarries ("Marble lakes")
19.00 Symposium Dinner
Thursday June 20
Post-symposium excursion to Valaam archipelago
Friday June 21
"Ladoga Seal" Festival in Sortavala.
Language. Presentations will be in English and Russian. Translation services will be provided.
Deadline for the registration and submission of papers is 15 April 2002.
Papers and Posters
The duration of oral presentations is 15 min. A multivideo-projector (for Power Point presentations), slide-projector and overhead will be available.
Proceedings. Papers will be published and each participant will receive a copy of the proceedings. All papers must be submitted on a diskette or by e-mail before June 16 or during the work of Simposium. Please provide also a hard copy (see the guidelines for manuscript preparation).
Accommodation is available at the hotels in Sortavala. Reservations will be made by the organizers. After April 15, 2002 the organizers can not guarantee vacant rooms.
Prices for accommodation range from $15-20 (single rooms) to $25-50 (double rooms) and $50 (three-bed rooms), per night, including breakfast. Double rooms can be shared (which makes half the price for the lodging). A limited number of single rooms is available. Accommodation should be paid directly upon arrival.
Registration and Fees
The registration fee ($200, for students - $100) includes admission to the symposium, proceedings, ice-breaking, coffee/tea, lunches, symposium dinner, mid-symposium excursions. Registration fees are to be paid at the registration.
Mid-symposium excursions:
Post-symposium excursions:
International Scientific Committee
E.V. Ivanter, Correspondent member of RAS, professor, Petrozavodsk State University (Ru)
Harto Linden, Professor, Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (Fi)
P.I. Danilov, Professor, Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre of RAS (Ru)
V.B. Zimin, Institute of Biology, Karelian RC of RAS (Ru), A.F. Alimov, Research Council of Russian Academy of Science on Study, Protection and Conservation of Animals (Ru), Eero Helle, Pekka Helle, Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (Fi).
Organizing Committee
N.N. Nemova, Professor, Institute of Biology, Karelian RC of RAS (Ru)
T.G. Kharkina, Institute of Biology, Karelian RC of RAS (Ru)
E.P. Ieshko, Karelian Research Centre of RAS (Ru), A.V. Gusarov - Sortavala city administration (Ru), M.A. Terekhov - Park "Ladoga Skerries" (Ru), Pekka Helle, Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (Fi), Yu.P. Kurhinen, Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (Fi), O.N. Lebedeva, V.V. Belkin, E.G. Sherudilo, V.A. Klimova, F.V. Fedorov, A.E. Grischenko, Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre of RAS (Ru)
We are looking forward to seeing you at the symposium!