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Events in KarRC RAS


International Conference "Anthropogenic Transformation of Taiga Ecosystems in Europe: Environmental, Resource and Economic Implications"
Russian Academy of Science Scientific Council for Forest Problems
Forest Research Institute of Karelian Research Centre of RAS

International Conference

Petrozavodsk, November 23-25, 2004

  • Conference aims and themes
  • Dates and venue
  • Contact address
  • Abstract instructions
  • Conference fee
  • Visas and invitations
  • the First Circul

  • We are now witnessing total transformation of the taiga zone of Europe induced by its economic utilisation (logging, forest drainage, industrial pollution, etc.). What would the environmental, resource and economic consequences of anthropogenic changes in taiga ecosystems be? How would the structure and function of forest communities change in the future? How severe are the negative consequences of human activities and how can they be minimised or avoided? These questions generally remain unanswered. No meetings or conferences have so far discussed these problems as a whole and for the whole of the European taiga zone. Time has come to analyse the situation in the named aspects with view to planing current and future nature uses. An obvious solution would be to organise multipurpose (multi-resource) nature use in taiga areas to ensure more comprehensive utilisation of the bioresource potential on the one hand, and its effective conservation or reproduction on the other. Another pressing task in this connection is establishment of the network of protected and restricted-use areas that would be sufficient as regards environmental and acceptable as regards economic criteria.

    You are cordially invited to discuss these problems at the International Conference "Anthropogenic Transformation of Taiga Ecosystems in Europe: Environmental, Resource and Economic Implications".

    Conference aims and themes

    The main aims are to:
    1. summarise and compare available data on the status of biotic components of taiga landscapes prior and posterior to various human impacts;
    2. identify negative consequences of the anthropogenic transformation of taiga ecosystems;
    3. define the criteria for and approaches to the development of environmentally and economically optimal nature use scenarios.

    Three panels will be organised to discuss the following main themes:

    • anthropogenic transformation of the natural diversity of the taiga biota at the species (vascular plants, mosses, aphyllophoroid fungi, lichens, mammals, birds, insects), habitat and community (forest, forest-mire, forest-tundra) levels.
    • anthropogenic dynamics of the resource potential of taiga ecosystems: phytomass, peat, forage and medicinal plants, mushrooms, game animals, recreational qualities, environment formation and protection functions of the forest cover and other biotic components (rare, endangered and strictly specialised species).
    • theory and practice of minimising potential negative consequences of the anthropogenic transformation of natural complexes.

    To the top

    Dates and venue

    November 23-25, 2004, Petrozavodsk, Forest Research Institute of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Science.

    Contact address

    Conference Organising Committee: Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre of RAS, 11 Pushkinskaya st., 185035 Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia.
    tel./fax: (8142)76-81-60, (8142)76-95-00
    Andrei Gromtsev, Vice-Director for Science
    Olga Predtechenskaya, Secretary for Science

    Conference languages: English, Russian.

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    Abstract instructions

    General requirements. Paper topics should correspond to the conference themes and not be descriptive. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject the abstracts not fitting in the panel themes. Authors of the abstracts best addressing the declared conference aims will be invited to make plenary (keynote) presentations (up to 6-7 pages). They will be published in full. The Organising Committee shall confirm the receipt of the papers and acceptance of the texts for publication. Papers and abstracts will be published in advance.

    Application forms and abstracts should reach the organising committee by July 15, 2004.

    Format requirements. Please submit abstracts, 2-3 printed pages at maximum, in English, in the digital form only at .

    Please use Microsoft Word for Windows, font Times New Roman, 12 points, single line spacing, margins: top and bottom - 2 cm, left-hand - 3 cm, right-hand - 1 cm; indent 0.7 cm; text left and right justified, with no word division; decimal and other parts in numbers should be separated by a dot; abbreviations must be explained in the text. Taxon names should be in italic, syntaxon names should not. Taxon authors should be in italic.

    Print the paper title in the first line, the authors (surname, initials) in the next line, leave one blank line, then print affiliations, contact address, e-mail. Leave one blank line and print the abstract text.

    You can see an example in the First Circular.

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    Conference fee

    Abstracts and papers of the conference participants will be published free of charge. Participants are expected to pay for their travel and accommodation. The conference fee is 50 Euro, includes admission to the conference, payment for invitation, all local bus transfers, proceedings (including mailing), coffee/tea breaks. Registration fees are to be paid at the registration.

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    Visas and invitations

    Most foreign participants will need visas to enter Russia. The Organising Committee will arrange the invitation for all such persons. The participants, in their turn, should sent not later than 15 of September 2004 copies of their valid passports by fax +7-8142-768160 or by e-mail (a scanned copy) together with their personal information (First and last name, Data and place of birth, Sex, Nationality/Citizenship, Number of passport, date of issue and expiry date, Position (profession), Work place (office employer's address, telephone, fax), Data of your arrival and departure, Place of getting visa (city with Russian Consulate). The Organising Committee will inform you immediately when the invitations will be ready and sent to the local Russian consulate in your country. After that you can get in contact with the consulate to get visas.

    The Organising Committee does not provide medical insurance, and we recommend arranging it beforehand.

    Official invitations from the Organising Committee for those who need them to get a financial support will be sent under request.

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