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Events in KarRC RAS


13th conference with international participation dedicated to K.I. Arsenyev “QUESTIONS OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY AND SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS”
13th conference with international participation dedicated to K.I. Arsenyev “QUESTIONS OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY AND SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS”

Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Economics of the Karelian Research Centre RAS

invite you to take part in the

13th conference with international participation dedicated to K.I. Arsenyev “QUESTIONS OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY AND SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS” Arsenyev’s Readings – 2024

October 9– 11, 2024 Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia

Aligned with the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences

and 235th birth anniversary of Academician K.I. Arsenyev 19.04.2024

The aim of the conference is to involve a wide range of experts from Russia and abroad in discussing the issues of socio-economic development of territories, modern economic geography and spatial planning, enhancement of statistical and data analytical support to decision-making concerning spatial development.

Background. The conference has been held biennially since 1995, honouring the memory of a prominent Russian economic geographer, founder of Russian statistics and Russian regional economic geography, and enthusiastic educationalist Konstantin Arsenyev (1789-1865). His versatile scientific activities and historical connection to the City of Petrozavodsk and Karelia became a motivation for establishing a conference in memory of his scientific and public work and in recognition of his contribution to Russian and world science. Participants. Researchers, specialists, experts, academics, PhD students, yearly-career scientists, representatives of legislative, executive and local authorities, and NGOs are invited to take part in the conference. Special thematic focus of the 2024 conference: Strategic contours of the transformation of the spatial structure of Russia’s socio-economic system in response to new challenges.

Key thematic areas:

1. Economic geography issues related to the prospects of spatial development of the economy of Russia and other countries, enhancement of economic zoning, territorial planning, and spatial arrangement of production facilities in view of current regionalization trends and structural transformation of the economy and economic space.

2. Spatial development statistics related to the use and advancement of statistical measurement, analysis, and modeling methods in research on complex socio-economic processes.

3. Digital transformation of economic management, including monitoring and statistical observation of socio-economic phenomenon.

4. Prospects for the development of new intercountry integration formats.

5. Tourism and recreation in regional development

First information letter (640 Kb, total downloads: 50)

Program (371 Kb, total downloads: 31)