Scientific Archives hours

Monday through Thursday:
09.00 to 17.15

Friday: 09.00 to 17.00

Lunch break:
13.00 to 14.00

Reading Room

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 09.00 to 17.15

Lunch break:
13.00 to 14.00

Contact phone
+7 (8142) 78-36-24
Events in KarRC RAS


Conference with international participation "The perspectives of socio-economic development of border regions"

zajavka_na_uchastie_prigraniche_2017.doc (33 Kb, total downloads: 351)

infor_pismo_pervoe_prigraniche_2017.pdf (224 Kb, total downloads: 529)

press-reliz_09.06.17_.pdf (118 Kb, total downloads: 444)