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Events in KarRC RAS


International workshop "Networking Games and Management"
June 30 - July 3, 2012, Petrozavodsk, Russia


  • Aims of the workshop
  • Scientific program
  • Organizers
  • Sponsors
  • Program committee
  • Local organizing committee
  • Abstracts and papers submission
  • Location
  • Accommodations
  • Social activity
  • Pre-registration
  • Registration fee
  • Important dates
  • Contact address
  • Program of the seminar
  • Extended abstracts
  • Photos

  • Aims of the workshop

    The workshop will be organized just after The Sixth International Conference on Game Theory and Management (GTM2012).

    The aim is to discuss latest developments in the fields of networking games and management.

    Scientific program

    The Program of the Workshop will concentrate on (but not restricted to) the following topics: networking games and management, optimal routing, price of anarchy, auctions, negotiations, learning and adaptive games, etc.

    In addition to specially invited talks, the program committee will consider proposals for sessions and contributions of single talks.

    Working languages are English and Russian.


  • Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
  • The Institution of RAS Institute of Applied Mathematical Research (IAMR),
    Karelian Research Centre RAS, Petrozavodsk, Russia
  • Petrozavodsk State University

  • Sponsors

  • Russian Academy of Sciences

  • Program committee

    chair: Vladimir Mazalov
    IAMR, Petrozavodsk, Russia

    Konstantin Avrachenkov
    INRIA, France

    Andrei Gurtov
    Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Finland

    Hisao Kameda
    University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan

    Sergei Kouchtch
    Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

    Dmitry Novikov
    V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences RAS, Moscow, Russia

    Leon Petrosjan
    Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

    Krzysztof Szajowski
    Institute of Mathematics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

    Nikolay Zenkevich
    Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

    Local organizing committee

    chair: Vladimir Mazalov
    secretary: Julia Chirkova
    Anna Rettieva, Anna Ivashko, Evgeniy Ivashko, Aleksandr Chirkov, Natalia Nikitina

    Abstracts and papers submission

    If you wish to present a talk, please send an extended abstract of the talk (in a LATEX or TEX file) before April 1, 2012 to e-mail:

    Acceptance of talks will be announced by May 1, 2012.

    Talks will be accepted based upon an extended abstracts or papers of at least 3 pages. Selected accepted papers will appear at a special issue of International Game Theory Review (World Science Publ.) and the serial Game Theory and Applications (Nova Science Publ.) with an additional reviewing proceess which will follow the rules of the journals.


    Petrozavodsk, the capital of the Republic of Karelia, is situated on the shores of great and beautiful Onego Lake, 400 km to the North from Saint-Petersburg. The city is the largest University and cultural centre in the North-West Russia.

    There are 3 (one hour) flights Helsinki- Petrozavodsk per week. Moreover, Petrozavodsk has excellent transport connections with Saint-Petersburg and Moscow (comfortable night trains). The climate conditions are close to those of South Finland.


    The Workshop will be held at the hotel "Kalevala", near Petrozavodsk. Please tell us if you plan to followed by accompaning person and which kind of room (singe/double) you prefer. The number of participants is restricted because the number of rooms is limited.

    Prices in the hotel "Kalevala":
    Room typeCountPrice* in rub. per night
    single-room one-place42100
    small two-place113800
    large two-place114200

    *Breakfast prices are included.

    Social activity

    The social activities will include a welcome party, a conference dinner and excursions.


    If you would like to participate please inform us by:

    Include the following information:

    1. Name
    2. Title of talk
    3. Position and work address
    4. Phone/fax No (work and home)
    5. E-mail address
    6. (other relevant information if needed)

    Registration fee

    The registration is 100 euro by person and covers seminar dinner, excursion, coffee breaks and the booklet of abstracts.

    The registration fee should be paid by cash in the time of registration.

    Important dates

    - Extended abstracts: April 1, 2012
    - Notification of acceptance: May 1, 2012
    - Workshop start and arrival day: June 30.
    - Reports: July 1.
    - Excursions and departure day: July 2.

    Contact address

    Questions can be directed to e-mail:

    Program of the seminar

    10:00-10:45 Plenary talk
    D. A. Novikov
    "Game Theory and Multiagent System"

    Section "Networking Games" (15 minutes for talk)

    Mikhail V. Goubko
    "Hierarchy optimization: theory and applications"

    Fedyanin D.N.
    "On a reflective network structure of agents' beliefs"

    Breer V.V.
    "Equilibrium Condition Evaluation of Large Network of Anonimous Conformity Agents"

    11:30-11:45 Coffee-break

    Vladimir V. Mazalov
    "Congestion Games"

    Богданова О.К., Парилина Е.М.
    "Эмпирическое исследование социальной сети <>"

    Evgeny E. Ivashko
    "Game of Lobbying in Social Networks"

    Khmelnitskaya Anna, Dolf Talman
    "Tree, web and average web value for cycle-free directed graph games"

    Sedakov A., Petrosyan L.
    "Cooperation in Stochastic Network Games"

    Parilina E.M.
    "Dynamic Scenarios of Data Transmission in Wireless Networks"

    Julia Chirkova
    "Price of Anarchy for Machine Load Balancing Game with 3 Machines"

    13:30-15:00 Lunch

    15:00 Section "Management and Applications" (15 minutes for talk)

    Ramon Flores, Elisenda Molina, Juan Tejada
    "Pyramidal Value For Directed Graph Restricted Games "

    Alexander Vasin, Yuliya Sosina, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber
    "Evaluation of Market Power in Local and Two-node Markets "

    Natalia N. Nikitina
    "Evaluation of a probabilistic backfilling algorithm for job scheduling on a computing cluster"

    Sergeeva A., Bure V.
    "The problem of big delay service under choice of different pricing schemes"

    Серяков И.А.
    "Теоретико игровая транспортная задача на сети с заданными пропускными способностями"

    16:15-16:30 Coffee-break

    Nikolay Bazenkov
    Reflexive Behaviour in Topology Control for Ad Hoc Networks

    Anna A. Ivashko
    "Optimal strategy in a Buying-Selling Problem"

    Tatyana E. Nosalskaya
    "On a Discrete Model of the Cake Division Problem"

    Anna Shchiptsova
    "Spatial Competition in the Market of Two Products"

    Anna N. Rettieva
    "Coalitional Stability in Management Problems"

    Andrei V. Gurtov
    "Queueing System with On-Demand Number of Servers"

    19:00 Conference dinner